Autor Wiadomość
PostWysłany: Śro 22:40, 26 Mar 2008    Temat postu:

Hehe. Lucy przy każdym nowym filmie tak pisze. Wesoly A tym razem robi to jeszcze w miarę oględnie. Trzeba było poczytać co pisała przy okazji "Football Wives"... Wesoly
PostWysłany: Śro 22:06, 26 Mar 2008    Temat postu:

Lucy Lawless napisał:
Hi, All!!

As I write this, I have no idea of the vote tonight, though I just know our girl came through. She had a wardrobe malfunction when her heel got caught up in all that pink fringe last night. You couldn't really see it on the tape, but they bunny-hopped their way out of trouble. I am so proud of her. Ahh, costuming -- you live and learn. I just wanted to thank all of you who voted and encouraged others to. Bless you always!

I missed the show last night and tonight because I have been working on Bedtime Stories, an Adam Sandler pic. I have to tell you, this guy is a wonderful producer and human being. He and his partners are incredibly generous of spirit and treat their crew reeeaally well. I haven't been on a set with this kind of levity since Xena. I had completely gone off acting last year, as many of you know, but this job has completely turned my head around. You are going to see me be a wicked, cheeky monkey. Guy Pearce plays my venal boyfriend sublimely. He actually helps anchor my insanity. Sandler pushes me over the edge. I have got to go scrape the schmuck (German for “make-up”) off my face before the results show.

Love to love, ya, Babies!

Lucy pisze jak bardzo jest dumna z Marissy i dziękuje wszystkim za wsparcie dla niej. Ostatniego wieczoru przegapiła program z powodu pracy nad Bedtime Stories. Pisze, że Adam jest genialny, wspaniały, ble ble, oraz że nie współpracowało jej się tak znakomicie od czasów Xeny. Jej głowa jest tak zaprzątnięta aktorstwem, że staje się bezczelną małpką, a przed obłędem chroni ją Guy.
A na końcu wspomina, że idzie sobie zdrapać tapetę z twarzy zanim nastąpią wyniki z Tańca.

Źródełko gdzie można również znaleźć film z tańczącą Marissą.
PostWysłany: Pią 0:23, 21 Mar 2008    Temat postu:

Hehe... Towarzystwo wzajemnej adoracji? Laughing
PostWysłany: Czw 18:14, 20 Mar 2008    Temat postu:

Pojawiła się kolejna wiadomość od Lucy:
Lucy Lawless napisał:
3/18/08 -- 6am
Letterman went great. I went with 9 other BSG cast members who sure know how to have a good time. Our segment doesn't air until Weds. I am sitting at JFK at 3 o'clock in the morning, LA time. It was the only way I could get back in time to see Mariss dance. I am so excited!!! We have to help her in the first couple of weeks. She doesn't have a fan base yet, but she is a champ and I predict she is going to turn a lot of heads. You wait, she is going to be our little dark horse. I am so proud of the way she has been training. She has never looked better.

Jak widać jest to list pochwalny ku niezwykłym talentom Marissy itepe.
PostWysłany: Sob 21:54, 15 Mar 2008    Temat postu:

Dlatego mówię, że ja jej w ogóle nie rozumiem na tych blogach. Jakbym czytał jakiegoś murzyńskiego rapera... Wesoly
PostWysłany: Sob 21:30, 15 Mar 2008    Temat postu:

Nie mam najmniejszego pojęcia...
LL pisze tutaj o jakiejś pani Dziwce, Glorii oraz indykach z Utah. Dla mnie to zupełnie niezrozumiałe.

A zastąpić można każdego Wesoly
PostWysłany: Pią 18:10, 14 Mar 2008    Temat postu:

Dzięki, Erm. Jesteś niezastąpiona. Wesoly
O co może chodzić z tym dostawaniem się na listę koncertu?
PostWysłany: Czw 11:58, 06 Mar 2008    Temat postu:

A miałam taką wielką nadzieję, że mnie ominie ta przyjemność, bo ja rówież orzeł w angielskim nie jestem Mruga
Spróbuję tak z grubsza i mniej więcej, mam nadzieję, że nie poplątałam za bardzo:

* * *
Zaraz po Roxy Lucy dała się rozłożyć grypie. Gdy była w samym środku gorączki wydarzyło się coś magicznego dla niej i Ma (Marissa?). Ma dostała się na listę kandydatów do Tańca z Gwiazdami, o czym od dawna marzyła. To był koszmar dla Lucy, ale Ma bardzo się ucieszyła. Teraz LL śmieje się, że wciąż popycha ją do przodu, zdradza najlepsze ruchy itd.
Ciężko trenowali przez wiele godzin każdego dnia. Tony - jej partner w tańcu - jest jej zdaniem jak krwawy dozorca niewolników, ale Ma się to najwyraźniej podoba.
Zdaje się, że przez pierwsze parę tygodni musieli 'popychnać' Ma, bo uświadomiła sobie z jakimi mistrzami będzie się zmagać. Wkrótce dostała się do programu.

Pewna kobieta przyszła na jej koncert w Roxy. Zaprosiła ją do swojego biura, gdzie LL miała spotkać się z Adamem Sandlerem. Mimo kiepskiego samopoczucia i wyglądu (przez chorobę straciła nieco na wadze) LL sądziła, że idealnie pasuje do roli. Podczas spotkania poczuła się znacznie gorzej, lecz mimo wszystko dostała rolę w "Bedtime Stories".
Gdy dowiedziała się, że Guy Pearce będzie grał jej filmowego "boyfrienda", prawie padła z wrażenia. Reżyserem będzie Adam Shankman, który wcześniej kręcił "Hairspray". LL nie paliła się aby zobaczyć ten film, ale za namową Marissy w końcu to zrobiła i bardzo jej się spodobał. Film był czarujący i odpowiednio wyważony (i w cale nie miała na myśli tyłka Travolty). Namawia wszystkich do zobaczenia filmu.

Pomiędzy dwoma Adamami, Guy'em, i ją samą jest chemia, i będziemy mieli okazję zobaczyć Lucy bardziej niegrzeczną niż kiedykolwiek wcześniej. Wystąpi jako młoda Cruella DeVille. Mówi że Disney ją lubi.
Poza tym LL próbuje dostać się na listę londyńskiego koncertu. Nie wie na razie kto jeszcze będzie występował.

Obecnie Lucy poluje na nową skórę, uczy się linijek, pracuje nad piosenką, szlifuje tańczące stopy Marissy i czeka co przyniesie życie. Wszystko u niej w porządku.
* * *
PostWysłany: Czw 1:55, 06 Mar 2008    Temat postu:

Dzięki. Wesoly A mogłabyś zawsze tak w kilku krótkich zdaniach opisać o czym mówi Lucy w tych blogach? Wiesz, dla tych co "no abla inglez". Mruga Sam mam z tym kłopoty, bo nigdy nie dostąpiłem zaszczytu regularnej nauki języka angielskiego. O ile ze zrozumieniem ROC nie mam żadnych problemów, to Lucy, gdy puszczą ją na żywioł, jest poza moim zasięgiem pojmowania. Wesoly A tak, gdybym wiedział, że mówi coś ciekawego, mógłbym sobie całość przetłumaczyć ręcznie.
PostWysłany: Śro 22:49, 05 Mar 2008    Temat postu:

Lucy Lawless napisał:
Hey, there!
It has been an action-packed few weeks. Right after the Roxy, I succumbed to the flu that had been trying to get me before the show. It was a doozy, as many of you undoubtedly know. But in the midst of the fevers and the bellyachin', magic happened for Ma and me. She scored a place in the line-up for Dancing With the Stars, a longtime dream of hers. Personally, that'd be my worst nightmare but she is beside herself with joy. Now I am driving her onwards to success, telling her my best moves, etc. (Heh-heh!)

We have been working out like fiends and she is training several hours a day, EVERY DAY, with her partner, Tony. He's a bloody slave-driver, but secretly she probably thinks that's hot. Her body is curvy and cut. You gotta see it!

Her first night is the 18th of March and we have to propel her through the first few weeks till the rest of America realises what a damn Champion they have on their hands. I seriously believe that with us behind her, she is going to go all the way. Start flexing them dialling digits, kids!!

The same day Marissa finally got cast in Dancing with the Stars, I got an interesting call.

A woman came to my Roxy show, a friend of Ted Perlman, my guitarist. She came backstage afterwards and gushed that I must come down to her office and meet Adam Sandler. Terrific! Yeah, yeah, let's do that, I said, not really expecting anything from it. Well, the next week, I got a call to come down and meet Adam and his producing partner, Jack Giarraputo. I felt well enough to get off my deathbed. I had lost several pounds from 5 days of a high fever, and looked ungodly pale, which I knew was perfect for the role. Then I had to read for Disney, which I did, but realised I was waaay sicker than I thought and felt clammy and out of it all through the session with the casting director, Roger Mussenden. But I guess something was working for me coz I got the job in Bedtime Stories. (I really owe Roger for that one.)

I nearly did a back flip when I realised that my “boyfriend” was being played by Guy Pearce!!! Plus, I am being directed by the incredible Adam Shankman, who was the mastermind behind the new re-telling of Hairspray in film. I didn't want to like it, I put off going to see it for a week, but when even Marissa admitted it was genius, we went along and I was blown away. It was charming and had real weight in all the right places -- and I don't mean Travolta's arse! Plus, it makes you jive in your seat. Can you remember the last time a movie did that? If you haven't seen it yet, go out and get it. Do yourself a favour.

Between the two Adams, Guy and I there is fabulous chemistry and you are going to see me be naughtier than ever before! Keri Russell and Courtney Cox are starring as love-interest and sister to Sandler's everyday hero, Skeeter Bronson. And I get to be the young Cruella DeVille. No wonder Disney likes me!

In between playing Mama Rose to Marissa All-the-Way-with-Winokur, I am shooting and trying to get a new line-up for the London concert. “Bitch” is certainly in (coz, let's face it . . .)

. . . but I don't know what else yet. Some Patti Smith (G.L.O.R.I.A.). Those turkeys in Utah never sent me my chaps. I'm done with them.

So I'll hunt for new leathers and learn my lines, work on songs, rub salve on Marissa's nasty dancer's feet, and train for the life to come. It's all good.

Love, love, love,

Ponadto Lucy wystąpi w familijnej komedii pt. "Bedtime Stories", który ma się ukazać w grudniu tego roku.
Lucy has announced she will be starring in a new Adam Sandler movie called Bedtime Stories. Her love interest in this movie is one of the best Australian actors EVER. His name is Guy Pearce. He is SUPERB. The movie is a family comedy about a guy (Sandler) whose life changes when the lavish bedtime stories he tells his nephews start to magically come true. Lucy's role is a "young Cruella DeVille" according to Lucy.

Linki odnośnie filmu:
PostWysłany: Sob 0:41, 09 Lut 2008    Temat postu:

Dzienx Wesoly

Lucy Cowgirl? Z NZ? Wesoly No cóż, przynajmniej nie Callgirl... Mruga
PostWysłany: Pią 23:29, 08 Lut 2008    Temat postu:

2 wiadomosci w tym jedna [pierwsza] zalegla:

Lucy Lawless napisał:
Wow! I had a fascinating week. For some reason, NBC-Uni (Sci-fi Channel), wanted me to be part of a panel on “How has sci-fi impacted technology and vice-versa?”

The panel included Neal Stephenson (writer of The Diamond Age and other novels), Walt Mossberg (Techno-guru for The Wall Street Journal) and Dean Kamen, scientist and inventor of diverse "gizmos," (to use his word) such as bionic arms for Iraq vets, heart stents, portable dialysis machines, the Segway, all-terrain wheelchairs that go up stairs and about 436 other patented inventions.

Neal said he was glad I was there so that the panel didn't look like Mount Rushmore, but they couldn't have been more fascinating. I got to know Neal, who is a huge BSG fan, and Dean, who is not, over dinner. Walt was not yet in town.

Dean has sent machines that run off cowshit to Bangladesh to power villages and that distill 1000 liters of water per day, to produce potable H2O out of any goop available. Now you know I have a soft spot for Bangladesh, having visited there a few years ago with World Vision. I have seen firsthand the horrifying effects of arsenic-tainted water that rises up every year with the monsoons. It causes ghastly birth defects, children with double-yolker eyes (sorry, but that's what it looks like!), or legs like a chimp. The fact that this technology is available and yet not attainable is a bloody crime.

Dean and his colleagues are not interested in bureaucracy and excuses. They tend to make things happen and let protocol-bound organisations drag their arses to the table when they can no longer ignore the demands of the people.

He has got me signed up for F.I.R.S.T, his initiative to get more kids involved in engineering and science. It's kind of like the robot olympics and any kids or school can participate and be mentored by experts. It's a golden opportunity to blow a kid's boundaries sky-high. F.I.R.S.T. is very interested in getting more minorities and girls involved. I guess careers in these fields are not presented as being exciting or important. Of course, a starring role on Girls Gone Wild is guaranteed to land you your own reality show! When you meet someone like Dean, you realise that science and invention are the most important tools we have for saving our planet. You can't help loving this guy when you meet him.

Now I am in a whirlwind of Roxy show prep. How to throw you guys a great party?

I've spent my whole life running from country music (despite the fact that Cowboys are my Weakness). I always thought it was too easy, too hokey, too . . . white.

Well, I finally fessed up that I am a white girl and the fact that it seems easy to me is a sign that that is what suits me. Anyway, you've got a heapin' helpin' of Cowgirl Action.

So! I have ordered a new set of Chaps from a special workshop in Utah, where I spent Xmas. Remember Kat Crimins, my MC last year in that red gown that was open to the navel? She was a very handsome debutante! This year I intend to get her in long gloves and something Jessica Rabbit.

As for you, my friend, CLOTHING IS OPTIONAL!! As long as it is Western wear or evening gowns.

You KNOW I am not kidding around here. This is going to be a crazy costume party.

Come prepared!

Love to love ya, Babies!



LL opowiada iz miala bardzo fascynujacy weekend, bo NBC-Uni [kanal sc-fi] poprosil ja by wziela udzial w programie "Jak sc-fi wplywa na technologie i odwrotnie?". oczywiscie LL opisuje tu co [a raczej kogo] ten program obejmowal...
nastepnie pisze, ze znajduje sie w srodku traby powietrznej prowadzacej do Roxy. zastanawia sie w jakis sposob urzadzic fajna imprezke.
opowiada, ze cale swoje zycie uciekajac od muzyki country i nie zapomina wspomniec o tym, ze ma slabosc do Cowboy'ow. LL zawsze uwazala, ze bylo to zbyt latwe, falszywe i biale.
koniec koncow, LL sama jest biala...
zamowila zestaw z Utah, gdzie spedzila swieta i... tak panie i panowie, LL bedzie Cowgirl.
mowi, ze bedzie to zwariowana impreza kostiumowa i zeby wszyscy sie przygotowali

na koniec LL oczywiscie pozdrawia i podpisuje sie inicialem swojego imienia, czyli 'L'


kolejny news i klip...

Lucy Lawless napisał:
Hello, Babies!!!

Thanks so much for coming to the Party!! I had a wonderful weekend with everyone who came to LA. Man, I wish that I had more time to finesse that set; get rid of some songs and pump up the end. That's always the way when you have an extra short run.

Next time, I have some cool ideas. Someone backstage at the con suggested that I do Meredith Brooks “I'm a Bitch.” Funnily enough, that was a song that my friend, Da, suggested, but, two days out from the show, there was no time to get an arrangement done and rehearse. Bummer!! Plus, I was a bit fluey and was already snowed with getting things together for the Roxy. But I promise not to forget that one.

Marissa thanks you for the warm reception, too. She was supposed to be one of my backing vocalists but life intervened and she had to go out of town on family business. But she was a great sport and managed to charm the audience in the “Friend Off,” which is where a so-called best friend of mine goes up against a fan to see who knows me best. Naturally, the fan always wins, since my friends have no interest in my former life or career. And, truly, I am fine with that. With fans like you . . . !

I want to thank Mr. Michael Orland, my Musical Director and friend, who helped pull that show together out of thin air. We first met on the 5th of January, without a clue where we were going to start. It all came together with a minimum of fuss. The band members he found were real virtuosos and so quirky. Lynn Keller was the little devil on the bass, (everyone loved her leathers!), and Candy Girard was the angel on the fiddle. I loved how she jumped in as the romantic violin during the “candle-lit meal.”

Slammin' Sammy K. kept us all in line with drums and brought along some extra percussion to give texture to other songs. Ted Perlman was my Guitar Hero. I loved everything you did, Ted, and am especially grateful for bringing life to “Wide Awake” which demands real virtuosity. That is one hell of a number. My leading ladies –- Terry Wood and Peggi Blu! I love your voices and your generosity of spirit. You girls came to the party and really helped dish back some of the love that my fans bring to each and every show. I have the greatest fans in the world and I never want to let them down. My thanks to all the band for showing my gang a good time.

Of course, there are a few other people that made the evening unique. Renee burst out in song in the middle of “Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around.” I had asked her to dance to “Kiss You All Over” and she said, “Lucy, that’s just weird.” Impeccable taste.

Kit-Cat Crimins is the greatest MC in the world and also embodies the spirit of the Roxy experience. She and the inimitable Tig Notaro really round out a great evening. Tig is becoming quite the comedy star nowadays. I am just crazy about her. I only regret that I cannot be out front watching her. So much of her act is visual – you kind of have to see it to believe it. It’s torture standing backstage lstening to her act.

Thanks to Gary and Adam of Creation for rolling out the carpet for us all. It wouldn’t have happened without your support. To Sharon and all the Creation team, thanks for bringing me together with the fans. You can’t please all the people all the time, but I know that is always your aim and you do a great job.

Most of all, thank you to you, the fans who came from all over the world. You may have been the single greatest support network the striking Hollywood writers had and, by golly, you might have helped resolve the issue, too! Blessings on you always.
You are the greatest!

link: filmik muzyczny
PostWysłany: Czw 21:47, 13 Gru 2007    Temat postu:

Kolejna notka na blogu Lucy. Opisuje w niej swoje przygotowania do styczniowego koncertu w Roxy.

Lucy Lawless napisał:
It's been a while since I wrote. I've been undergoing a winter transformation, I guess. A lot has changed. I read my last blog after the Chicago show and noted my expectation that my next show would be heavily influenced by the Chicago groove. But I was mistaken. That was perfect unto itself.

But something has twisted around in me and I feel the need to do something really grassroots. I cannot outdo the other shows for their size and complexity, the horns, the voices, the rocked-out showbiz-iness of it all. I am doing a 180-degree turn. This will be the antithesis of what you may have been expecting. There is going to be more talk, more conversation, Tig will be back and my back-up singers will be my oldest friends. It will feel more like Jerry Springer crashed the Bing Crosby Christmas special. I want it to be truly intimate, but, knowing me and my awful best friends, it can't help be a little kooked. I will spend the next six weeks thinking of ways to surprise you. It doesn't help that at least 300 of you bought up two nights in a row. Now I have to shake up the shows so you don't get two of the same. Maybe one night Tig does her new material and the next night she and I have duellng interview questions, "Tig, is it true that you're a Big-ass lesbo?" "Who are you calling Big-ass?" I can only imagine what she'll ask me.

So if you're looking for a slick Rock/R&B/Blues set, this is not the show for you.

If you are looking to come to my post-Christmas Christmas party, c'mon over!

See you at the Roxy, Babies!

original post:
PostWysłany: Śro 21:47, 31 Paź 2007    Temat postu:

Nowa nota na blogu Lucy.
Lucy Lawless napisał:

I am back to work on the spaceship, BSG, after a year away. I can't believe it's been that long. I finished there right before Celebrity Duets in Nov '06 and, boy, what an action packed transformative year it's been.

Michael Rymer, one of the Exec Producers and stellar directors, was remembering how he had advised me not to do it but now has become a supporter. He is a cool guy and one of my all-time favourite directors. He is one of BSG's most influential forces and has gone a long way to helping make it the break-out hit that it is. He is also the least recognised. There's a lot of credit to go round on a great show like that. I hope he gets all the good things coming to him that he deserves.

Chicago was the high point of my concert life thus far. The band was remarkable and with Joe Lo Duca, they really helped take me to places I could never have otherwise gone. I'm not sure what the shape of my second Roxy show will be next January, but it cannot help but be influenced by the Buddy Guy's experience. I actually got to meet the great man himself. He sat in on both shows and made me promise to come back and visit anytime. I certainly will.

What I loved about the musicians in Chicago is that playing seems to be more of a religion than a job. They play because they can't help it and even if they are not on a paying gig, what are they out doing? Jamming with their friends, that's what.

I was away in Vancouver when Curb Your Enthusiasm aired. There was some confusion about the air dates (perhaps you noticed), so I didn't hear about it till the day after. I got a heap of emails. I saw it some days later and was surprised how small my role had gotten. I thought it was all about ME, ME, ME!! I may be kidding myself, but despite the dearth of ME, it was a really terrific episode, maybe the best ever. So much was going on. Cheryl and the plane, Cheryl leaves Larry, the Blacks, the restaurant drama, Larry's long balls, Ted Danson. So much to see, so little time. And Larry was on fire that episode. I was okay but the episode was amazing!!

Most of all, I loved hanging with you all in Chicago. Together with the Northwestern Memorial Hospital, we raised $10,000 for United Way, which runs community outreach projects in underpriviledged Chicago. I am so proud of you all. Plus, my brother-in-law, Randy, who works at the hospital, tells me that there is a bank that will match us dollar for dollar. So hooray for everything. I think United Way were very pleasantly surprised.

I want to thank all the gang at Creation who made it all possible and to Chris, the photographer, for helping the photo ops all run so smoothly.

I'm tossing round names for the Roxy show. Write your suggestions down on the noticeboard.
Up and at 'em!

P.S. Also, I have finally had to relinquish two costumes to the Iyengar Institute as I promised so long ago. This means I will have to get new chaps made for the Roxy show. Also I gave them the pink go-go dress and the sparkly tooth-shaped necklace that I wore at the Roxy and the Canal room. The chaps are a bit groady, having been worn so much. They are sewn on to the jeans. No doubt there is DNA on them, which, frankly, is a minus in my book, but it's out of my hands. I'll let you know when they go up on ebay.

original post:
PostWysłany: Śro 2:04, 29 Sie 2007    Temat postu:

Nowy post na blogu. Lucy ostro szykuje się do koncertu w Chicago. Wesoly
Lucy Lawless napisał:
I am CONSUMED with prepping the Chicago show. Obviously, we want to rock the house, but my main concern is that this be a meaningful “conversation” with the audience. Joe Lo Duca, my old friend and genius composer behind Xena, Herc and a hundred other soundtracks, has a unique appreciation of my audience. After all, the Xena fans were his audience, too. He has put together a band of fantastic Chicago R&B musos. We are mixing in a little funk to get the room thrumming.

On the whole, I have chosen songs that reflect how I feel about my fans and being alive in general. I want to give you the funnest night of your life. That said, there is a quieter section in the middle where I pay homage to one of the most life-altering spirits I ever encountered. (She was not a fan.) We met in devastating circumstances and her passing touched me deeply and propelled me along a course of looking after the little guy. One song in particular represents the redemption I felt I desperately needed. Redemption for me, for her, and for the way I saw the whole damn human race. Some stories can only be told in song.

As usual, I went to NZ, had a great time, did no exercise, ate biscuits (cookies) and turned into a donut. It's weird to admit it, but it kind of made me happy! I am digging being a fat bastard.

Unfortunately, I will not get through a Lucy show if I don't shape up quick-smart.


original post:

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